Wednesday, July 25, 2012


 Most of the time when I think of peace I think of hippies holding signs that say something like "Make love not war." We typically think peace is something that comes naturally and that war and quarrels and stress are things that are unnatural. That's not the case. The truth is that disagreements naturally lead to quarrels. Peace isn't something that comes naturally it's something that needs to be made and maintained.

 Peace with God was impossible before Jesus. This is the beauty of the gospel, Jesus died and rose again bridging the gap between humanity and God. Peace with God just requires us to accept that Jesus is who he said he was and to have a personal relationship with Him.

 Peace with others requires something as well. In Ephesians, Paul says not to let the sun go down while you are angry with your neighbor. We need to make sure that our disagreements and quarrels with others are taken care of.
 Making peace does NOT mean keeping quiet and holding everything in. Sometimes the best possible thing you can do is voice your opinions and concerns so everything doesn't get bottled up inside. Making peace between you and your neighbor means being mature and discussing your differences and opinions.
 Stephen Covey said in his book 7 Habits of Highly Successful People "Seek first to understand, then to be understood." I think that little proverb can go a long way in making peace with your neighbor.

 Finally, you have to make peace with your self. Here it comes full circle. Once you have a relationship with God you don't have to beat yourself up over your past. Even in circumstances I can't control, I have peace knowing that no matter what, God is with me.

Thanks for reading, I'm going camping next week so you'll just have to be patient ;)

- Jdwayt

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