Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The difference between finding time and making time.

 I have a problem. I have a lot of hobbies but I can never find time to spend on them. I'm either too tired, too hungry, too busy, too stressed or whatever I can think of. It doesn't matter how much I want to do something, finding time is impossible.

 Which is why it is important to make time for the things that are important. Making time is different than finding time. Making time means you set aside part of your day for a specific purpose. For example, I have and event on my calendar called 'Blog time'. Every Wednesday I devote 1pm-2pm for blogging. I use that time to post, edit, and write blogs. It's much easier than trying to find extra time to blog.

 I think of it like this: expecting to find time is like expecting to find money. Saying "I'll find time to spend with God next week." is like saying "I'll find money for my car insurance next week." Expecting to stumble upon extra money is absurd, and so is expecting to stumble upon extra time.

 The truth is that we are habitual beings. It's way easier to do something if we schedule our time around it and make it a routine. We do this all the time. We set time aside for boring mundane things like work or school, we even schedule things like dentist appointments every six months. If we can set time aside for the things we don't like doing, doesn't it make sense to set time aside for the things we do like doing?

 We make time for our jobs and other important events, we schedule things and we expect to do them during a set time. It should be the same with hobbies or spending time with God.

Anyways that's what I've learned. Thanks for reading!

- Jdwayt

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