Thursday, February 9, 2012

Well I guess I'll get started now

You know what they say, “There's no time like the present”.

So I guess I'll start with this, in 2011 I saw many ups and downs in my walk with God.  I've seen some of my biggest accomplishments and also some of my biggest failures. And me being the kind of person that I am, I focused a lot on my failures.

I feel like I've completely ruined any chance of being a witness to anybody because I kept my mouth shut and went with the crowd.

And I remember thinking “God, it would be so much easier to be a light if I was perfect.”. But I know if I was perfect, no one would be able to relate to me.  I've heard it said before "A wise man learns from his mistakes, an even wiser man learns from the mistakes of others”.

Maybe I'm not the wisest man on earth, and maybe every mistake I learn from will be my own, but I can promise one thing.  I'm learning.

If there is one thing I've learned it's that my failures, weakness, struggles or whatever are NEVER bigger than God.

Jesus died on the cross for ALL my sins, and nothing I can do will disqualify me from what he has called me to do.

If there is one thing I can preach with clear conscience it's this: The overwhelming, unrelenting, love of Jesus Christ is stronger than any sin.  Christ will never give up on me.

It's times like this I remember

He loves me
He will always love me
He will love me when no one else will love me
and He will love me, even when I don't love myself.

I'm going to start blogging a daily bible study like I did before, starting with the book of Romans.

I'm excited for what God has planned in 2012!

Thanks for reading!

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