Ok so now for Romans 2.
I strongly suggest you read Romans 2 for yourself, it's really good.
Romans 2:13-15 (NIV84)
"13 For it is not those who hear the law who are righteous in God's sight, but it is those who obey the law who will be declared righteous.14 (Indeed, when Gentiles, who do not have the law, do by nature things required by the law, they are a law for themselves, even though they do not have the law,15 since they show that the requirements of the law are written on their hearts, their consciences also bearing witness, and their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them.)"
Ok, so Romans 2 is a great chapter. Right after Paul talks about sin he talks about being judgmental. I find that really interesting. Again he explains that it's not enough for us to hear the law, but to obey it and understand it also.
Obeying the law is important. But we don't obey the law by following a to-do list. That's what the religious people in Jesus' day did. They made up many ridiculous laws that made them look like they were better than everyone else. In reality their hearts were more corrupt than the ones they condemned.
The reason we should follow the law is because we want to please God. That's why Paul says that even the Gentiles who didn't know the law still obeyed it. Why? Because they knew it in their hearts.
Ever since I accepted Christ I've begun to follow the law more. I follow it more because It's become easier to recognize it. Also, there is something in me that desires to please God.
God isn't pleased every time I walk out of a store without stealing anything. However, God is pleased when I walk into a store, find $100 and turn it in or find the rightful owner. This is because I have chosen righteousness over selfishness.
I guess I can quit rambling and explain it all simply.
God doesn't desire words, or actions without understanding. We can't judge based on words or actions because everything God desires is based on the condition of our hearts. So in everything I do, I should do it to please Him, because He is the only one who can see my motives. And in the end, His judgement is the only one that matters.
Again, this is a great chapter, and I had trouble deciding what to share.
Anyways, thanks for reading!
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Wow! This one I really liked! I kinda struggled reading this chapter, but I really really like how you put everything. I like the part about the store!
ReplyDeleteQuestion: as far as the 'law' what do you think? Like do you think that it applies to the laws of the land? For example our set speed limits...do you think that God is displeased with me every time I speed? Im mean it seems so silly..but then again idk. Im sure God would be unhappy with me a lot. hahhaaa.
Another thing-I've been guilty of doing this. Lets say I have a choice to make about something..a choice that would be pleasing and a choice that would be displeasing...and I decide to pick the choice that would be pleasing to God..but my motives behind it were totally wrong, even though I chose something that would be pleasing to God, my heart and motives were still in the wrong place. So now I have a pleasing choice that totally became displeasing. Gosh! LoL. So it really does come down to the desires of our heart, motives, etc.
Thanks for posting this!
Thanks for the comment. And thanks for the questions too! They really got me thinking.
ReplyDeleteThese are just personal opinions so I could be really wrong about my answers.
Does the 'law' apply to the law of the land? Yes I believe it does. Is God displeased with me every time I speed? I think it depends. If I'm on I-94 and I speed to get around a semi that's going 65, I think that's fine. If I'm going 120 in my Dodge Viper, swerving and weaving in and out of traffic, just because I want everyone to think I'm awesome, then there is an issue. Most of the time when I speed it's because I'm impatient, and if patience is a fruit of the spirit than impatience is not uplifting and glorifying God.
Everything God looks at is a condition of the heart. God wants us to obey the laws of the land because He doesn't want us to be rebellious. Although we follow the laws of the land, they don't serve as our moral guidance. We submit to the laws of the land because it is commanded by God.
Now, to respond to your comment. Yeah, I've been guilty of that plenty of times! I think the only good thing is when we make a good choice with good motives.
The religious people of Jesus's day are an extreme example of good choices with bad motives. They made a good choice of fasting, however their motives were wrong because they would only do it to make themselves look like they were holier than everyone else.
I think bad choices with good motives can be bad too. The early church decided to have the Bible only printed in Latin. Why? Because they didn't want people to twist it's words. However this turned out to be a bad choice when the people who were in charge of interpreting the Bible were twisting it's words.
So yeah, these are just two really extreme examples but I guess it opens my eyes to something I don't think about a lot. I guess I should start praying for the discernment to make the right choice with the right motives.
Again, thanks for the comment!
Wow. haha, your comments always open my eyes and cause me to think! I love your examples and how you totally used the Bible, awesome!
ReplyDeleteYou're totally right about the speeding thing!!! And Im sure God doesnt care if we're "running late". haha.
Thanks for commenting back, it was great!