Is my blog title an android reference? Maybe...
Ok so I've got a lot to talk about so I'm just going to get right into it.
First things first. Why start a new blog?
Well I decided to start a new blog because I have a lot of great ideas and actually have some sort of idea of a theme.
Second things second...(I guess that only makes sense). What's with the title 'JD 2.2'?
Well that's the theme of course! Seriously though, it has a meaning. The idea behind the title 'JD 2.2' is that it's upgraded but not yet finished. I'll explain.
JD 1.0 is what I would call myself before I accepted Christ. JD 2.0 is what I would call myself after I got saved. And JD 2.2 is what I would call myself now, I'm better than I was when I first got saved, but I'm still very much in a development process.
And it's 2.2 not 2.7 or 2.5 or something because I feel I still have a long way to go before I become something different.
These blogs are going to be a log of my development process, an inside look at the changes and constants of my life.
Now for the interesting stuff!
I've been reading my Bible pretty much everyday since August of 2007 and if I continue to read a chapter a day I'll finish in October. Every night before I read I pray "God, please reaveal to me what you would have me learn in [insert book and chapter here]. And every night there is at least one thing I think about as I'm falling asleep at night. So I've decided that I'll make a short post sharing what I've learned.
Next, all posts will be on BOTH Blogger and Tumblr. Tumblr posts will show up on twitter and I will link to the Blogger ones at the bottom of the Tumblr post in case people want to leave comments or something like that.
Third, my blogs are going to be a bit more real...I might even pick regular nights to every saturday and wednesday.....hrm....i might be on to something...
Yeah so that's that...I have a blog in my head but i might just wait untill saturday for that one :p
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