Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Proverbs 29

I'll start with a disclaimer, I Bible reading plan went like this:

First I read Acts-Jude
Second I read Matthew-John
Now I'm reading the entire old testament from Genesis to Malachi
Next I will read Revelation
After that I'll do some studies or something

ok, so what I want to share today is Proverbs 29:19 (NIV)
" Servants cannot be corrected by mere words;
though they understand, they will not respond."

I thought that was kind of do you understand but not respond...

but you see this all the time with drug addicts and alcholics...

You talk to them about their problems and they might say "I know it's wrong but I can't help it"...

that's because they understand that they have a problem but they wont 'respond' to it....unless they're forced too...

which brings me to my point
I see this alot in my life...there are things that i'll hear from the pulpit that i'll just throw in the back of my mind and forget...untill i get stuck in some situation....

words don't change people...actions do...words just prepare people for action....

anyways that just the way I looked at that verse's 3am....g'night

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